Employee of the Month May, 2024
- Mrs. Mary Kimmons
2024 Class Valedictorian 6th Grade
- Joshiah Picktett
2024 Class Salutatorian 6th Grade
- Israel Christian
Mister and Miss R. H. Bearden Elementary 2023-2024
- Mikhayla Scott & Josiah Pickett
Mister and Miss WTHS 2023-2024
- Jamarria Bailey & Myiessha Wright
Coahoma Community College Opportunity Meeting
- Dr. Sherry Ellington & Dr. Valmadge Towner
Teacher of the Year 2022-2023
- Mr. John Fredericks
Teacher Assistant of the Year 2022-2023
- Ms. Denetrica Jackson
2021-2022 Teacher of the Year
- Ms. Tina Franklin
2021-2022 Teacher Assistant of the Year
- Ms. Linda Johnson
Mr. Marvin George, Board President
Mrs. Cora Hooper, Board Secretary
Ms. Lucinda Berryhill, Board Member
Mrs. Sharon Bailey, Board Member
Ms. Renetha Frieson, Board Attorney
Superintendent Ellington receives t-shirt from board member Mrs. Sharon Bailey
- Dr. Sherry Ellington
Superintendent Ellington receives Certificate of Appreciation from school board president Mr. Marvin George
- Dr. Sherry Ellington
Board President Mr. Marvin George gets sworn in by Attorney Frieson.
- Mr. Marvin George
Certificate of Completion. MSBA Prospective Superintendent. Leadership Academy
- Dr. Sherry Ellington